The Next 500 Years: 2017 Ligonier National Conference

6 DVDs and 1 MP3 Disc containing 16 sessions entitled;
1. After Darkness, Light
Reformation occurs when the light of God's Word shines into places of spiritual and cultural darkness and transforms the people of God. In this session, Michael Reeves sets the stage for the conference by considering why reformation was needed in the sixteenth century and why it is needed today.
2. Semper Reformanda
We rejoice in what God did in the sixteenth-century Reformation, but we don't merely look back. In this session, Augustus Lopes examines the church's need for ongoing reform, examines how the church is being reformed today both in the West and around the world, and considers how the Western church can look to examples from Protestant movements around the world.
3. The Priority of Worship
One of the most neglected contributions of the Reformation is its emphasis on the importance of public worship. In this session, Sinclair Ferguson reflects upon this legacy, the importance of public worship today, and why reforming worship is of utmost importance for the church worldwide in the future.
4. Questions & Answers
A questions and answers session with Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, and R.C. Sproul.
5. Building a Sure Foundation
Is theology needed today, or is it outdated? In this session, Albert Mohler considers the state of theology since the Reformation, why understanding doctrine is vital to being a Christian today, and why knowing theology is essential for future reformation. He also considers why providing sound theological education for every tribe and tongue should be a central goal of God's people.
6. The Nonnegotiable Gospel
Martin Luther's rediscovery of the doctrine of justification by faith alone forced him to evaluate his standing before God as well as confront moral and theological corruption in the church. In this session, John MacArthur explains why this doctrine is central to the gospel and considers what challenges to it Christians who desire to see a new reformation may face.
7. Working for God's Glory
Reformation extends to all matters of life, including theology, church, home, and society. In this session, Michael Horton outlines the doctrine of vocation and explains how it relates to other doctrines with a view toward encouraging greater faithfulness, innovation, and productivity in the workplace and beyond.
8. Reformation at Home
The Reformers' teaching on home life is unknown to many people, but it remains one of the most enduring legacies of the Reformation. In this session, W. Robert Godfrey explores the biblical teaching on marriage, sex, and family and discusses why these topics are important-especially today and in the future.
9. Questions & Answers
A questions and answers session with Michael Horton, W. Robert Godfrey, Stephen Nichols, and Derek Thomas.
10. Knowing Our Only Mediator
Until this world comes to an end, the lost need Christ for eternal life. In this session, Derek Thomas shows why the person and work of Christ is the greatest need of the church in every generation. He also reflects on current and future challenges to biblical Christology both in the West and around the world.
11. The Preached Word and Reformation
Reformation doesn't occur without biblical preaching. In this session, Steven Lawson considers the rediscovery of preaching in the ministry of the Reformers, explains why preaching is central to Christianity, and considers why expository preaching is essential for the future.
12. I Will Build My Church
In pursuing reform, the Reformers knew that the local church was central. In this session, Alistair Begg considers the importance of our local churches and our need for ongoing reform in accordance with the Word of God. He also encourages Christians in the ordinary tasks of serving and supporting their local churches for continuing Reformation in the world.
13. A Discipleship Reformation
The commitment of the Reformers' to catechesis, formal education, developing Christian literature, and church planting created an infrastructure for biblical teaching to be passed from one generation to the next. In this session, Stephen Nichols discusses how the call to discipleship includes developing and leveraging resources for current and future generations.
14. Fuel for Missions and Fueled by Missions
For the church to grow, the gospel must be taken to those who have not heard of Jesus Christ. In this session, Stephen Tong explains why the way forward in forging a new reformation is faithfulness to the Great Commission and looks at how believers are called to bring the gospel both to their own communities and to the nations.
15. International Panel Discussion
On this panel, various international speakers discuss how God is working in their respective countries. They consider how reformation is taking place today and what the global future of the church may look like.
16. Ligonier Teaching Fellows Panel Discussion
Chris Larson moderates a panel discussion with some of the Ligonier Teaching Fellows on the subject of the goal of the Reformation.
17. Optional Session: The Legacy of Luther
Martin Luther's actions five-hundred years ago still affect us today. In this session, Stephen Nichols considers his legacy by touching on the book he helped edit "The Legacy of Luther."
18. Optional Session: God with Us
One great theme of the Bible is God's presence with His people. In this session, W. Robert Godfrey considers what God's presence meant for His people then, what it meant during the Reformation, and what it means for us today and for the future.
19. Optional Session: The Sufficiency of Christ
The Reformers knew that salvation is found in Christ alone. In this session, Augustus Lopes considers how this major theme of the Reformation is no less important today, and he looks at what Christ's sufficiency will mean in the future as we face our culture.
20. Optional Session: A Long Line of Godly Men
History includes example after example of godly men who have upheld the doctrines of grace. In this session, Steven Lawson considers the examples of these men, why these doctrines were important historically, and why they are important for Christians both today and in the future.
21. Optional Session: The Kingdom of God
Reformation is fueled by men and women who are confident that their true citizenship is in the kingdom of God. This confidence enables them to take bold stances for the gospel in the most difficult environments. In this session, Stephen Tong considers our citizenship in the kingdom of God as foundational to serving Him in this world.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 27 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
22. Optional Session: Roman Catholicism Today
Roman Catholicism has changed much since the Reformation. In this session, Leonardo De Chirico considers what Roman Catholic doctrine teaches today and how we can love and share the gospel with Roman Catholics.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 26 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
23. Optional Session: The Book of Job
We can identify with Job's story because we have all experienced suffering. But the book of Job isn't merely given as a means for identifying with Job; it is given to help us understand and respond rightly to suffering. In this session, Derek Thomas considers what Job teaches us about how God uses trials and suffering to draw us closer to Himself.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 29 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
24. Optional Session: Visual Theology
It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Words and pictures together can tell the truth powerfully or proclaim error strongly. In this session, Tim Challies considers how we can combine words and pictures to explain truth and edify believers.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 27 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
25. Optional Session: The English Reformation
The English Reformation had a profound impact upon the course of the world, and today we still benefit from the spiritual wisdom and discernment of this movement. In this session, Michael Reeves looks briefly at the English Reformation and considers what it meant then and for our time.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 28 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
1. After Darkness, Light
Reformation occurs when the light of God's Word shines into places of spiritual and cultural darkness and transforms the people of God. In this session, Michael Reeves sets the stage for the conference by considering why reformation was needed in the sixteenth century and why it is needed today.
2. Semper Reformanda
We rejoice in what God did in the sixteenth-century Reformation, but we don't merely look back. In this session, Augustus Lopes examines the church's need for ongoing reform, examines how the church is being reformed today both in the West and around the world, and considers how the Western church can look to examples from Protestant movements around the world.
3. The Priority of Worship
One of the most neglected contributions of the Reformation is its emphasis on the importance of public worship. In this session, Sinclair Ferguson reflects upon this legacy, the importance of public worship today, and why reforming worship is of utmost importance for the church worldwide in the future.
4. Questions & Answers
A questions and answers session with Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, and R.C. Sproul.
5. Building a Sure Foundation
Is theology needed today, or is it outdated? In this session, Albert Mohler considers the state of theology since the Reformation, why understanding doctrine is vital to being a Christian today, and why knowing theology is essential for future reformation. He also considers why providing sound theological education for every tribe and tongue should be a central goal of God's people.
6. The Nonnegotiable Gospel
Martin Luther's rediscovery of the doctrine of justification by faith alone forced him to evaluate his standing before God as well as confront moral and theological corruption in the church. In this session, John MacArthur explains why this doctrine is central to the gospel and considers what challenges to it Christians who desire to see a new reformation may face.
7. Working for God's Glory
Reformation extends to all matters of life, including theology, church, home, and society. In this session, Michael Horton outlines the doctrine of vocation and explains how it relates to other doctrines with a view toward encouraging greater faithfulness, innovation, and productivity in the workplace and beyond.
8. Reformation at Home
The Reformers' teaching on home life is unknown to many people, but it remains one of the most enduring legacies of the Reformation. In this session, W. Robert Godfrey explores the biblical teaching on marriage, sex, and family and discusses why these topics are important-especially today and in the future.
9. Questions & Answers
A questions and answers session with Michael Horton, W. Robert Godfrey, Stephen Nichols, and Derek Thomas.
10. Knowing Our Only Mediator
Until this world comes to an end, the lost need Christ for eternal life. In this session, Derek Thomas shows why the person and work of Christ is the greatest need of the church in every generation. He also reflects on current and future challenges to biblical Christology both in the West and around the world.
11. The Preached Word and Reformation
Reformation doesn't occur without biblical preaching. In this session, Steven Lawson considers the rediscovery of preaching in the ministry of the Reformers, explains why preaching is central to Christianity, and considers why expository preaching is essential for the future.
12. I Will Build My Church
In pursuing reform, the Reformers knew that the local church was central. In this session, Alistair Begg considers the importance of our local churches and our need for ongoing reform in accordance with the Word of God. He also encourages Christians in the ordinary tasks of serving and supporting their local churches for continuing Reformation in the world.
13. A Discipleship Reformation
The commitment of the Reformers' to catechesis, formal education, developing Christian literature, and church planting created an infrastructure for biblical teaching to be passed from one generation to the next. In this session, Stephen Nichols discusses how the call to discipleship includes developing and leveraging resources for current and future generations.
14. Fuel for Missions and Fueled by Missions
For the church to grow, the gospel must be taken to those who have not heard of Jesus Christ. In this session, Stephen Tong explains why the way forward in forging a new reformation is faithfulness to the Great Commission and looks at how believers are called to bring the gospel both to their own communities and to the nations.
15. International Panel Discussion
On this panel, various international speakers discuss how God is working in their respective countries. They consider how reformation is taking place today and what the global future of the church may look like.
16. Ligonier Teaching Fellows Panel Discussion
Chris Larson moderates a panel discussion with some of the Ligonier Teaching Fellows on the subject of the goal of the Reformation.
17. Optional Session: The Legacy of Luther
Martin Luther's actions five-hundred years ago still affect us today. In this session, Stephen Nichols considers his legacy by touching on the book he helped edit "The Legacy of Luther."
18. Optional Session: God with Us
One great theme of the Bible is God's presence with His people. In this session, W. Robert Godfrey considers what God's presence meant for His people then, what it meant during the Reformation, and what it means for us today and for the future.
19. Optional Session: The Sufficiency of Christ
The Reformers knew that salvation is found in Christ alone. In this session, Augustus Lopes considers how this major theme of the Reformation is no less important today, and he looks at what Christ's sufficiency will mean in the future as we face our culture.
20. Optional Session: A Long Line of Godly Men
History includes example after example of godly men who have upheld the doctrines of grace. In this session, Steven Lawson considers the examples of these men, why these doctrines were important historically, and why they are important for Christians both today and in the future.
21. Optional Session: The Kingdom of God
Reformation is fueled by men and women who are confident that their true citizenship is in the kingdom of God. This confidence enables them to take bold stances for the gospel in the most difficult environments. In this session, Stephen Tong considers our citizenship in the kingdom of God as foundational to serving Him in this world.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 27 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
22. Optional Session: Roman Catholicism Today
Roman Catholicism has changed much since the Reformation. In this session, Leonardo De Chirico considers what Roman Catholic doctrine teaches today and how we can love and share the gospel with Roman Catholics.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 26 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
23. Optional Session: The Book of Job
We can identify with Job's story because we have all experienced suffering. But the book of Job isn't merely given as a means for identifying with Job; it is given to help us understand and respond rightly to suffering. In this session, Derek Thomas considers what Job teaches us about how God uses trials and suffering to draw us closer to Himself.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 29 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
24. Optional Session: Visual Theology
It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Words and pictures together can tell the truth powerfully or proclaim error strongly. In this session, Tim Challies considers how we can combine words and pictures to explain truth and edify believers.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 27 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
25. Optional Session: The English Reformation
The English Reformation had a profound impact upon the course of the world, and today we still benefit from the spiritual wisdom and discernment of this movement. In this session, Michael Reeves looks briefly at the English Reformation and considers what it meant then and for our time.
Subtitles and Closed Captions
Language: English Runtime: 28 minutes Release date: October 18, 2017
Number of Copies
Library | Accession No | Call No | Copy No | Edition | Location | Availability |
Library Closet | 419 | 1 | Yes |